Audio Described Tour of Exhibition Hall

Welcome to the audio described tour of the United States Capitol Visitor Center's Exhibition Hall. The tour offers several listening options. The first is to listen to a detailed, 95 minute tour in its entirety. This might be the best option if you are listening at home, for example. The second option allows you to proceed through the Capitol Visitor Center at your own pace, selecting an overview of each exhibit, and then choosing which exhibits you’d like to explore more in depth. These “detailed descriptions” offer additional description of the images, text, and artifacts that make up each exhibit of the Capitol Visitor Center. Finally, while the audio description tour provides orientation and wayfinding information, there are also staff available to guide or assist you during your visit. Visitor Center staff are dressed in red jackets or vests.

Full Tour (95 Minutes)

Introduction & Audio Description Tour Instructions

Emancipation Hall

Statue Of Freedom Model: Detailed Description


Exhibition Hall Overview

Video Wall

South/House Overview

What's My Role? Overview

What's My Role: Detailed Description

The Capitol Over Time: Dioramas with Tactile Maps - Overview

The Capitol Over Time: Dioramas with Tactile Maps: Detailed Description

The Nation’s Capitol, Art and Architecture - Overview

The Nation’s Capitol, Art and Architecture: Detailed Description

Tactile Dome - Overview

Tactile Dome: Detailed Description

House Theater

Democracy Lab - Overview

Democracy Lab: Detailed Description

North/Senate Overview

Impact of Congress - Overview

Impact of Congress: Detailed Description

Congress Over Time - Overview

Congress Over Time 1-3: Detailed Description

Congress Over Time 4-6: Detailed Description

Interactive Wall

Senate Theater

Rotating Exhibit

West/Behind the Central Video Wall Overview

The Nation’s Stage

The Legislative Process

What Does Congress Do?

The Founding Documents of The United States - Overview

The Founding Documents of The United States: Detailed Description

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